Nutritional Doula Course - Grow a healthy baby
Welcome to our class - pregnant mothers are welcome to enroll
Welcome to our class!
FREE PREVIEWPart 2 on Welcoming you to the class...
Kitchen Doula Title is back - Ancient Wisdom Birth is academy for other classes
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Pre-Test your knowledge about Nutrition and Food
FREE PREVIEWIntroductory PDF file: Please read
Session 2: Module One PDF File
Module One Video
Audio of Module One
Case Study A *Required*
Quiz over Module One
Journaling A: Assignment from module one
Module One Discussions
Module 2: PDF File
Module 2: Video for this section
Audio of lesson (module 2)
Discussion Questions for this module 2
Journaling Assignment for Module 2 on First Foundation of Nutrition
Quiz for Module 2 on Vegetarian diet (note: not the same as the module - please use this quiz)
***Book Review: Certification Requirement***
Video of Module 3
Audio file of Module 3
Discussions for Module 3 (you may use forum area or email to us)
Journaling: Foundations of Nutrition # 2: Drink more water - 25 points
Journal Foundation of Nutrition #3: Eat less processed foods 25 points
Case Study Module 3: Meal planning
Skipping quiz for this module
Video for Module 4: final project
Choice A: for final project
Choice B: Case Study follow-up for Final Project
Choice C: Real Mother to work with or case study - "Pantry Building" as final project
Choice D: Final Project: Make a week to a month of menu!!
Choice E: Make your own final project
Final Project Submission - certification requirement More information if needed...
Discussions from this Module
Foundations of Nutrition: Variety of Foods #4 pillar
Case Study Cassidy (please email answers to assignments)
Module Quiz
Module 5: Nutritional doula course
Module 5 Video for this module
Discussion Questions to answer on Vitmains
Extra Credit Assignment - Prenatal Vitamin Research
Research Assignment on Vitamins
"Quiz" Assignment for this module 5 (not multiple choice - though some True/False)
Exercise Discussion Questions
Extra Credit Handout about Pregnancy Exercise to give to a client
Video Review assignment (certification requirement)
Extra Credit buddy up assignment
Journal Discussion On intuitive eating and fermented foods - Journal assignment 50 points
Case Study L for Lily (Remember to choose 5 case studies for certification)
M for Mary Case Study (choose 5 for certification)
6_V3_Nutritional Doula CourseTM HolisticBirthAcademy
Video for Module 6
Resource list - Certification requirement example
Discussion from this Module 6.1a
Module 6.1B Discussion
Discussion 6.1 C - Non-stick pans discussion
Discussion 6.1D Fluoride
Research Assignment: Toxins or non-stick pans - 50 points
Module 6.2 Discussion on Meditation
Cases Study Choices for this Module (remember 5 is all you need to send to us)
Foundations of Nutrition #6: Eat Good Fats
Foundation of Nutrition #7: Mental Attitude!
Journaling addition - extra credit 50 points
M7_Final1ThinkificAllNutrtionalDoula 101
Module 7 video
7.1 Culture discussion section
7.2a and 7.2b and 7.2c Discussions
Case Study M for Martha
Book Review Certification Requirement - submission here
Business Discussion (extra credit section)
Postpartum Quiz Assignment
Introduction to cooking skills!
PDF for the Cooking Skills Section
Discussion area for the Cooking Skills
Quiz A
Assignment Cooking Skills - follow module
Final Project for Cooking skills - Make a recipe for your family or pregnant mother